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4 stats to enhance your 2021 social media marketing strategy

It’s important to identify social media marketing trends and review statistics from 2020 in order to determine what types of content will resonate with our target audiences in 2021. 
For brands, having and maintaining your social media should be a fundamental aspect of your business by now. Brands investing in their social media marketing will benefit from increased sales and consumer recognition over their competitors! 

Obviously, 2020 was a unique year due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Forbes reported that internet usage increased by 50-70%as people turned to the internet for news and entertainment.

 So let’s take a look at some more interesting stats that should influence your social media marketing for 2021. 

1. Poor customer service will impact your following 

According to Sprout Social, 49% of consumers said they’d unfollow brands due to poor customer service. Therefore, customer service should remain at the forefront of your social media marketing strategy. 

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Image Source: Sprout Social Index 

So, one simple way to improve marketing in 2021 is to ensure customer inquiries are handled quickly and efficiently on your social media channels. If you don’t have anyone managing your social media channels, and you’re too busy running the day-to-day operations of your business, it might be time to hire someone to manage your social media. 

2. TikTok is growing rapidly

We’ve certainly seen an increase in demand for video content over the past few years, but TikTok saw its growth increase exponentially in 2020.

Statistics for TikTok according to Oberlo:

  • TikTok has roughly 800 million active users worldwide
  • TikTok has been downloaded over 2 billion times on the App Store and Google Play
  • 41% of TikTok users are aged between 16-24
  • TikTok has been downloaded 611 million times in India, this is around 30% of the app’s total downloads globally
  • The average time spend on TikTok is 52 minutes per day

If your target audience is between the ages of 16 and 24 then consider integrating TikTok into your social media strategy for 2021. 

3. Visual content for the win

Sprout Social’s research concludes that 68% of consumers would prefer to engage with images and 50% would prefer to interact with video content. 

HubSpot states that video has become the most commonly used format in content marketing, overtaking blogs and infographics, with promotional and brand storytelling videos being the most popular types of content created by marketers! 

Social media is quickly becoming saturated with your competitors, so how do you stand out? Beautiful photography! 

65% of people are visual learners, so inform your audience about your brand with this type of content! 

Visual content is a quick and effective way to communicate with your audience:

  • Showcase your products and promotions 
  • Share your brand’s story 
  • Convey an emotion
  • Increase traffic to your website 

We strongly believe in creating scroll-stopping content with social media photography

4. Facebook should not be neglected

Facebook has over 2.7 billion monthly active users making it STILL the most used social media platform worldwide. Therefore, a large portion of your target audience remains on this platform and Facebook should certainly be part of your content marketing strategy for 2021!

If you have a product to sell, then you’ll want to be utilizing Facebook Shops

Final thoughts

We hope you found these stats and trends of consumer behaviours and preferences as interesting as we did and apply them to your social media marketing strategy this year! 

If you’re looking for help with your social media marketing, get in touch!